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Sirdar Book 475 Crofter Girls. 16 hand knit designs for babies and girls from birth to 7 years in Snuggly Baby Crofter DK.
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Sirdar Book 475 Crofter Girls. 16 hand knit designs for babies and girls from birth to 7 years in Snuggly Baby Crofter DK.
Snuggly Baby Crofter DK is an amazingly soft yarn with a beautiful fair isle colour effect that appears as you knit. 'Crofter Girls' is a book bursting with 16 of the most adorable designs for girls, knitted in Sirdars incredible Baby Crofter shades-Molly, Brooke, Annabelle, Gracie and Bonnie. These gorgeous shades are lovely and bright, making them perfect for spring and summer knits. Inside 'Crofter Girls' there is the sweetest of designs for baby girls, and slightly more grown up ones too. There are pretty boleros fastened with a tie, that will look beautiful worn with party dresses, sweet little cardies with fan and feather edging, a traditional little lacy bonnet and four of the most adorable shoe designs you have ever seen, you can match them to your cardie! As well as all of these designs, there is a pretty lacy blanket for your little girl to snuggle up with.
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